Target any customer
Eligibility Engine
The most powerful upsell engine on Shopify, period.
20+ eligibility triggers
- Create targeted & high-converting promotions from over 20+ triggers.
AND/OR grouping
- Easily combine triggers with AND/OR groupings on the same promotion.
Order simulator
- Quickly setup eligibility rules with the help of an order simulator.
Product data
Six powerful triggers to help you target product level data.
New Line item has metafield tag of...
- Bulk trigger many products based on metafield
Order has product of...
- Trigger on specific products.
Order has product variant of...
- Trigger based on specific variants of a product.
Line item title is...
- Trigger based on the product title.
Line item vendor is...
Line item sku is...
Line item price is...
Order data
Five powerful triggers to help you target order level data.
New Promotional product was not ordered
- Order does not contain the initial offer's promotional product.
- Trigger based on the total order value excluding tax and shipping.
- Trigger based on the total order value including tax and shipping.
Number of line items
- Trigger based on the number of line items on the order.
Order quantity
- Trigger based on the total quantity across all line items.
Customer data
Six powerful triggers to help you target customer level data.
New Customer has not viewed this promotion before
- Show a promotion only once per customer.
Customer is a guest
- Trigger only for logged-out customers.
Customer is registered
- Trigger only for logged-in customers.
Customer is placing their first order
- Trigger on a customer's first order. Based on the customer's email
Customer has placed X number of orders
- Trigger based on the minimum or maximum orders a customer has placed.
Customer tag
- Trigger based on a customer tag. Useful when testing orders or targeting customer groups such as wholesale or VIP. Leverage loyalty platforms to offer exclusive promotional offers.
Discount data
Three powerful triggers to help you target discount level data.
Customer did not use a discount code
- Trigger only when no discount code was used.
Customer used any discount code
- Trigger only when any discount code was used.
Customer used a discount code of...
- Trigger only for specific discount codes.
Shipping data
One powerful trigger to help you target shipping level data.
Restrict by shipping country
- Trigger based on the order's shipping country.
New Restrict by shipping province/state
- Trigger based on the order's shipping province or state.